This is one of
three separate species of banded pittas that were lumped together as one. Due
to their vocal and visual differences the species were in recent times split. The
Malayan banded pitta (Hydrornis irena) is a species of bird in the Pittidae
family. The bird can be found in Thailand, the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. It
was previously considered conspecific with the Bornean and Javan banded pittas.
Together, they were referenced as the banded, but this is recently split
species is listed as near threatened on the basis that the constant destruction
of its habitats and capture for the illegal bird trade are suspected to be
driving a moderately rapid decline in its population. More research is needed
into the impact of these threats, the results of which could influence its Red
List status. 20-23 cm.
Moreover, the gorgeous
and amazingly colored Pitta species male has black crown and broad mask, with wide
bright yellow supercilium, becoming flame orange on the nape. The underparts
are deep blue, save for orange barring on the breast sides. Moreover upperparts
plain chestnut-brown; rump and tail deep blue. The beautiful wings are blackish-brown
with a white spot in the primaries and some white in the outer secondary’s. The
median and greater coverts are broadly tipped white. The chin and throat are
also white. However, female birds are similar except for white underparts with
fine black barring, and juveniles and immature have bold, pure white spotting
on the upper wing coverts. It is called as locally common, though now infrequent
in Thailand and decidedly local in Sumatra, though the population size has not
been quantified and further research is required.
The species’
population is suspected to be undergoing a reasonably rapid decline owing
primarily to on-going deforestation and hunting for trade. The species inhabits
lowland floodplain forest, but is also found at higher elevations, maybe up to
c.1,500 m. Indeed, it appears to depend on to a large extent on lowland
evergreen forest and swamp forest. It favors the interior of primary forest,
but is also found in secondary forest, although observations recommend that it
does not persevere well in altered habitats. Its diet perhaps comprises
invertebrates and berries, which it forages for on the ground and in understory
vegetation. Breeding probably takes place throughout the year.
In spite of some
apparent tolerance of habitat alteration, it is threatened by forest loss and
degradation, apparently driven by timber extraction and agricultural expansion,
as well as capture for the illegal bird trade either through trapping or
nest-raiding. The bird is now considered rare in Thailand, where the majority
lowland forest has been logged. Moreover, a same situation is existing in
Malaysia, where the bird has been almost disappeared from Panti Forest Reserve
since 1994. The species come about in a number of protected areas across its outsized
range, including Khao Nor Chuchi Wildlife Sanctuary (Thailand), Taman Negara
National Park (Malaysia) and Way Kambas National Park (Sumatra). No other
targeted conservation actions are recognized for this species.