A butterfly causing concern in
Europe is the Geranium Bronze (Cacyreus Marshalli) which is the family lycaenidae.
Originally from South Africa wehre its larval food plant was the geranium or
pelargonium somehow it was introduced into Europe, where it is wreaking havoc amongst
growers of its food plants. It is an unusual and attractive butterfly so its
presence won’t break the hearts of many lepidopterists unless they happen to
grow geraniums or pelargoniums.
Butterflies and moths can be both
pets and instrumental in the control of pests. Mostly they’re pests causing
untold amounts of damage to agriculture. The most notorious is of course, the
Cabbage White, which is a general name given to many similar species of
Pierids, including the small white (Pieris Rapae), the large white (Pieris
brassicae), and the Green veined or Mustard White (Pieris napi) of these three
only the first two are pest species.
Two moths have been instrumental
in the control of rogue plant species. These’re the Crimson Speckled Footman
(Utetheisa Pulchella), which was used in Australia to bring the prickly pear
cactus under control. The other is the Cinnabar moth, Tyria jacobaeae, which
feeds among other things, on ragwort a poisonus plant found in cattle fields.
These represent a serious threat to any animal that eats them. However every
year the caterpillars strip the foliage usually so severely that the plant can’t
Perhaps the most serious
lepidopterous agricultural pest is the Gypsy Moth (Porthetria dispar), which
causes untold economic damage to forested areas. It was introduced to the U.S.
from Europe in 1869 when some were sent to an amateur entomologist in Medford,
Massachusetts. Some of these were accidentally allowed to reach the wild, from
where they started to colonize the New England states. The moth quickly
established itself as there were no natural parasites to limit its spread. This
combined with the fact that each female lays up to a thousand eggs made it a
very successful immigrant. Another reason why it has managed to spread
throughout the United States is that its larvae will eat many hundreds of
different plants, and if its preferred choices are not available it will eat
almost anything.
Several different methods have
been tried to wipe out this pest, but none of them has been anything more than
a passing success. In the 1960s one of its natural parasites, a braconid wasp
(Rogas indescretus) was released in yet another attempt. Unfortunately though,
it is not limited to the Gyspy moth and has been found parasitizing a related
species. This cross over from pests to the indigenous fauna is a serious
problem and needs to be addressed whenever a non-active parasite or predator is
introduced to a new locality.
Other control methods tried
include pesticides diseases, diseases, pheromone traps, and encouraging natural
predators. Of these, only the traps are ecologically sound, with no impact on the
species. Controlling pests without damaging the local habitat is a real problem
sometimes releasing infertile male’s works and other times parasitic nematode
worms will drastically reduce numbers. The answer probably lies with more
research, but that suffers from the opposite problem survival in a harsh
economic climate severely limits the number of research scientists.
Butterflies and moths
can be both pets and instrumental in the control of pests |