Showing posts with label Amazing Photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazing Photos. Show all posts

Monday 23 December 2013

Sunday 15 December 2013

Tree of Life in Island Stunning Photos Captured by Lee Jeong Lok

Photo-manipulated images of trees, with lights emanating from the branches, placed in locations the photographer sees as sacred in order to give them new life. The illuminated trees have a strong resemblance to the Tree of Souls in the movie Avatar, which had a spiritual significance to the Na'vi. 

Billboards Photos by Branislav Kropilak

Sunday 13 October 2013

Some Striking Capture of Photographer Wayne Simpson

Ontario-based photographer Wayne Simpson captures some striking, picturesque landscapes of Canada. There's an uplifting quality about Simpson's work that is only heightened by his refreshing subject. Viewer feel as though they are in the cold yet invigorating open air, walking along the icy paths towards a gorgeous horizon. Wayne Simpson's visually stimulating compositions and skilled talent to capture the rich textures of the ground are an energizing feast for the eyes. Prints of Simpson's work can be directly purchased through his website.