Tuesday 23 September 2014

Stunning Photographs of Jumping Cats

It is well believed, that cats are a near-universal symbol of grace and poise, and they’ve marvelous balance and are said to always land on their feet. Although when cats up in the air, like these 15 jumping cats at play, they retain an elegant athleticism that most of us lack on or off the ground. Cats love to jump when they play, but it is highly appreciated to never throw them just for a mere photo. The incredible ability of cats to make always land on its feet, which is beautifully display in numerous of these photograph, is called the “Righting Reflex”. An in depth study was done in 1987 on 132 cases of cats that had fallen from high-rise windows in New York found that their injuries would rise from floors 1-7 but would then radically decline above 7 stories. One explanation could be that, after a firm distance, cats reach their non-fatal terminal velocities and are skilled of spreading themselves out and gliding to decrease the severity of their injuries.

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