Friday 29 November 2019

Northern Cardinal - All Red Amazing Bird

Northern Cardinal is highly dichromatic, songbirds, socially monogamous species, and males are a vibrant red. The redder males produced more offspring in a breeding season. This beautiful bird can be found from the Dakotas, southern Ontario, and Nova Scotia southward to the Gulf Coast, and from southern Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and southern California southward into Mexico. 
Northern cardinals are nonmigratory, has greatly extended the range northward and westward, mainly to the profusion of backyard winter bird feeders. This bird prefers open woodland habitats such as gardens, parks, suburbs, in the thickets, brushy swamps, evergreens, and privet hedges. The bird is highly protective of their territory and chases off other birds.
What Does Northern Cardinal Eat?
Are many bird lovers curious to know what does Northern Cardinal eat? The cardinal diet mainly consumes a variety of seeds, insects, grains, beetles, cicadas, dragonflies, leafhoppers, ants, aphids, crickets, termites, grasshoppers, caterpillars, moths, cutworms, spiders, snails, and slugs are common prey items. They also like to eat wild fruits, grains, blossoms, and buds of elm trees. Mate feeding normally occurs when the male feeds the female in courtship and the male picks up a seed or other food bit, hops over to the female, and tilts his head sideways to place it in her beak. The young chick mainly depends upon insects, corn and oats, sunflower seeds. Moreover, in the summer season, it likes seeds that are effortlessly husked, but normally less selective when food is infrequent during the winter season. They are putting safflower seed in a feeder is a robust strategy for attracting them.
Moreover, another feature is to lopsided pose (in which male and female birds tilt the body from side to side) sometimes happens so rapidly. Therefore, it creates a swaying type of motion. It is most often given by the male to the female. Also, the copulation has not been that usually observed. The female bird may solicit copulation by crouching with head and tail raised. Sometimes directly prior to copulation, the male (while singing with crest erect) may sidestep or almost slide down a branch to the female.
The nesting habits found in thickets, shrubs, honeysuckles, private hedges, multiflora roses, and dense evergreens. Female is more active in building nest leading with nesting material in her beak. In some cases, the male bird is also participating in building nest. Selecting the site normally eight feet to 30 feet from above the ground. Therefore, they make their home in 4 to 6 days. The four layers of nests consist of stiff weed stems and vine stems. The second is consists of paper, grapevine bark, and leaves. However, the third one is weed stems, grass, and trailing vines and fourth is with fine rootlets and grass stems.
Life Span of Northern Cardinal
The adult cardinals have  longevity in the wild of about 13 to 14 years. So, one instant of bird has lived 28.5 years.  Cardinals usually gather in flocks in the fall and remain together through the winter, staying in areas where food is abundant. The flock is often evenly divided by sex, and at night, they roost together. The male bird in these flocks, slightly dominant over females in feeding situations. Hence, some cardinals do not join flocks but remain on their breeding ground with their mate through the winter season.
The male cardinal is all red, except for around his mouth, and the female has had to be content with her brown color and just a blush of red. Male and female cardinals are easily told apart through plumage. The male is all red and the female is a light brown with reddish overtones. The juveniles are like the female but have a black bill rather than a red one. Both male and female cardinals are utter loud, clear whistles and lovely songs with numerous variations. The genus and species names, Cardinalis “cardinals”, is a Latin word pertaining to a door hinge. The Northern Cardinals were named for the rich, bright red color found in the males, the same color as the robes worn by the cardinals of the Catholic Church.
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Sources: The Backyard Bird-Lover’s Guide

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