A brine
pool is a big area of brine on the ocean basin, and their pools are bodies of
water that have salinity 3 to 5 times greater than the surrounding ocean. For
deep-sea brine pools, the source of the salt is the dissolution of large salt
deposits through salt tectonics. The brine pool is quite often contains high
concentrations of methane, furnishing energy to chemosynthetic animals that’re
mostly live near the pool, and these creatures are habitually extremophiles. Brine
pools can be found around the world, and are well-documented in the Gulf of
Brine pools are also recognized to exist on the Antarctic Shelf where the
source of brine is salt excluded during formation of sea ice. Therefore,
deep-sea and Antarctic brine pools can be very toxic to marine animals. Brine
pools are sometimes called seafloor "lakes" because the thick brine
does not easily mix with overlying seawater. However, the brine density is
increase due to high salinity, which produced a distinctive surface and
shoreline for the pool. Hence, when submarines dive into brine pools, they
float on the brine surface due to the high salinity density.
Though, the
motion of a submarine can form waves across the brine-seawater interface that
wash over the surrounding "shoreline". Moreover, deep sea brine pools
every so often coincide with cold seep activity and methane released by the
seep is processed by bacteria, which have a symbiotic connection with seep
mussels living at the edge of the pool. This ecosystem is mainly dependent on
chemical energy, and unlike almost all other life on Earth, has slight
dependence on energy from the Sun. So, finally It requires a submersible
to down thrust to actually penetrate one of these pools, thus equipment, such
as a submersible, can actually float on its surface.