Monday 27 August 2018

Relaxing Video of Lake Saiful Muluk

Relaxing Video of Saiful Muluk, Feels The Clam, Serenity, and Soothing. Saiful ul Muluk is one of most beautiful lake in the world, as no one can judge the depth of it. Its a wonderful lake, but somehow tourists are destorying its natural beauty by dumping garbage in them. Which is so sad. Whenever you go there, please feel the real natural beauty. If you like the video, plz hit the like button and smash to share.

Monday 20 August 2018

The UFO Shaped Lenticular Clouds

Lenticular Clouds are also called Altocumulus lenticularis are stationary lens-shaped clouds that form in the troposphere. It is usually in perpendicular alignment to the wind direction. Lenticular clouds can be separated into ACSL, (Altocumulus Standing Lenticularis) or SCSL (Stratocumulus Standing Lenticular), and CCSL, (Cirrocumulus Standing Lenticular). Because of their rare shape, they’ve been observed as an explanation for some UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), sightings. As air flows along the surface of the Earth, it comes across obstacles. However, our atmosphere, the envelope of air surrounding of planet, is always in motion. We have a tendency to to think of the motion of our atmosphere as horizontal across the ground, namely wind. Though, air can move vertically as well. Also Read: Glowworms Transform Cave into a Fascinating Starry Sky
Source: CP

Rainbow Mountains China

Rainbow Mountains China had a hard time believing that this mind-blowing mountain formation was actually real. But believe it or not this Technicolor range actually exists. It is located inside of the Zhangye Danxia National Geopark 30km west of Zhangye City, Gansu Province, China.
The park covers an area of 322 square km and contains 2 separate Danxia regions. Seven Colored Mountains and Ice Valley (Bing Gou Danxia) is its own separate park. The naturally formed landscape is alive with shades of green, orange, blue, emerald, red and yellow. Also See: Amazing Cambodian Bamboo Bridge Rebuilt Every Year
Source: CP

Monday 6 August 2018

Kalabagh PAF Base, The Coolest Places in Nathia Gali

Kalabagh PAF Base is a nice and clean place in Nathiagali. It was designed as old England, and that’s what they got— Unpredictable weather. The cool breeze, low clouds, sporadic rain, and fog greets you while walking along the old England road in Nathiagali.Everything is nicely set and clean and functional. Food is very basic, but freshly cooked and tasty. This is undoubtedly a very scenic place, like most other places in the area. However, it is not accessible to general public. It is Pakistan Airforce property and one has to be a guest of someone from Pakistan Air Force to enter the property. If you do not have a booking through someone known to you in Pakistan Air Force, you will NOT BE ALLOWED to enter this place. Its strictly not available to the foreigners.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

13 Amazing Places You Should Visit in Your Life

Here are 13 Amazing places you should visit in your life once. The magical spot captivate your heart, and entice you to travel these areas. Almost everyone love to travel to see amazing places. We are sure, this list will help you to select at least one place you will travel in 2018.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Fragrance and Aroma

Fragrance is associated with beauty smell with ugliness, yet both are odours. Fragrance and aroma is nature’s way of warning us of possible danger? Smells unpleasant odours, come from rotting vegetation of animal matter, both of which are likely to be toxic, whereas fragrance is mostly given off by beautiful parts of plants. Of course there are exceptions to these generalizations there are some flowers which smell exactly like decaying meat, and unmentionable animal parts which supply prized perfumes.

Historical uses of Fragrance and Aroma!

But it does seem that fragrance and aroma is associated with pleasure and for health, and it is a pity that sweet smelling perfumes are not now in everyday use in the home, as they were in the past. The Romans great sybarites that they were had perfumed doves flying above banquets; they scattered tons of rose petals on festival days, and sprayed their rooms with perfume as effeminate and made its sale illegal.

The Greeks thought perfume was divine in origin, and the ancient Egyptian who originally confined the use of perfume to religious rituals, gradually allowed its personal use until it became an essential part of the toilet. From Rome its use spread throughout northern and western Europe to Britain, and thence eventually to the new world in 16th and 17th centuries by the first settlers. There it must have met the long-standing tradition of herbal medicine practiced by the Indian tribes already established, who would have appreciated the therapeutic use of aromatic oils.

In mediaeval times in Britain, and even more so in Europe aromatic and fragrant herbs had a hundreds everyday uses. One has a vague impression that those  times and later, perhaps up to the end of the 18th century, were distinguished by a general lack of hygiene; dirt, smells, fleas, sores, boils and skin complaints in general were common place things. Yet in fact people had a good deal of natural material available to overcome all these. For most people life was a rural one, and many families probably had a little bit of ground outside their homes on which to grow plants. For those that had not, there were many herbs which were native plants growing wild and in much greater quantity than they do now.

It would have been a common habit to strew aromatic and fragrant leaves on floors to combat insects, to use them in all one’s clothes and household linen, and to burn sprigs of such plants in various rooms to offset unpleasant odours, or  simply to provide a sweet fragrance. Finger bowls contained flower petals, gloves were perfumed, pomanders and tussie mussies were carried, and scented candles burnt. Lavender was used in washing water and potpourris were an essential part of everyday life. Furniture polish was perfumed.

Perfume as such consisted at first of the simple natural oils. Such as rosemary, sage and lavender but those with an alcoholic base began to make their appearance in the 14th century with the production of Hungary Water. It is of note that a writer of 1560, described an English home thus; the neat cleanliness the pleasant and delightful furniture, wonderfully rejoiced me, their chambers and parlors strewed over with sweet herbs, refreshed me. Gerard described meadowsweet as far excelling All other strewing herbs to decked up houses, to straw in chambers, halls and banqueting houses in the Summer time; for the smell thereof makes the heart merries, delighted the senses.

It would do no harm, and probably a great deal of good, to follow some of these practices, in scenting our homes or parts of them; it might even be possible to use them in the  same way that color is to create a certain mood for instance, for soothing and tranquillizing in resting rooms, for stimulating in living rooms, and for making the heart  merry at dinner parties.

How Do we get Fragrances  and Aroma!

Odours of any kind are detected by a small piece of lining membrane at the top of the nose cavity. On the surface of this there are olfactory hairs which connect with a nerve fiber ultimately in contact with the central nervous systems. If these filaments are covered with a thicker layer of mucous fluid than normal as with catarrh, or if this layer is replaced with a dry one, the ability to distinguish between smells is reduced or even temporarily destroyed.

Different reactions to smells and perfumes, when some people cannot detect any odour, and others different is probably due to one’s genes, though smoking can interfere, and prolonged sniffing blunts the ability. Incidentally the Latin for to smoke is fumere; par or per means through perhaps perfumes is so called because herbs were burnt for various reasons. Fragrant originally meant simply smelling and its meaning of sweetness is a modern one. There are said to be only seven primary odours ethereal, camphoraceous, musky, floral peppermints, pungent and putrid, and all other odours are compounds of these; almond, for example is a mixture of floral, camphoraceous and peppermints ingredients.

Methods of Extracting Perfume!

The art of perfumery is extremely complex, and the professional perfumer has literally thousands of sources of fragrance and aroma, which to call when blending a new perfume. In general, perfumes are based on a solvent such as oil or pure alcohol and it is possible in spite of the potential for complexity, to make one’s own perfumes based on the flowers and or leaves of herbs in the same way that potpourris can be satisfactorily made. Pure alcohol is usually not obtainable but a good substitute is isopropyl alcohol, and for oil, and vegetable oil can be used, though olive or sweet almond will give a better product. They will keep longer if 10% of wheat germ oil can be added after infusing.

There are four main methods of extracting the perfume or more precisely  the essential oil which contains the perfume or aroma of a plant; distillation, extraction with alcohol or volatile solvent, maceration and enfleurage. A 5th is expression, used largely on fruit, in which considerable pressure is exerted to squeeze out the oil. For perfumes made at home, maceration and enflueurage are the most practicable methods to try out.

Maceration in effect is the way in which attar of roses is said to have been discovered. The story is that Persian princess and her bridegroom were rowing on a lake after the wedding in which rose petals had been prodigally used, and the surface of the lake became covered with them. The princess, trailing her hands in the water, discovered that they were covered in sweet smelling oil, and so the method and the perfume were born. At home, it is simply a case of steeping fresh flower petals or other scented material in water, topping up with new material until sufficient oil is obtained, and then extracting it with isopropyl alcohol.

Enfleurage involves the use of fat applied to perfectly clean sheets of glass. Each sheet is held in a wooden frame, of any convenient size, and fat or grease spread over each surface. The flowers or other scented material are pressed into the fat, without the stems, and left in a dark place for 24 hours, when fresh flowers are used to replace the old. This continues until the flowers are no longer available. In this way the fat absorbs the perfumed oil and then becomes pomade; the oil can be extracted with alcohol.

Alternatively olive oil can be used, placing it in a bottle and filling the bottle with the scented material. After 24 hours in a warm dark place, the flowers and oil should be strained through a net or muslin (cheesecloth) bag and the resultant oil, now slightly perfumed placed in a second bottle and again filled with flowers. This can be repeated until there are no more flowers available. Then an equal quantity of isopropyl alcohol is added and the mixture shaken together thoroughly every day for three to four weeks. The alcohol will then extract the essential oil and be perfumed. However, the now perfumed olive oil can be left as it is and used as an after bath oil. Rose’s lavender, honeysuckle, clove pinks and wall flowers can all be tried for perfume.

For aromatic oils for cooking, rosemary tarragon, marjoram, sage and thyme can also be soaked in the oil, using complete sprigs. Use freshly dried material in this case, to avoid cloudy oil, and again keep it warm hot the higher the temperature, the quicker will the extraction occurs.

Potpourris and how to make them?

The art of potpourri making became sadly lost until recently, but with the renewal of interest in herbs and all things herbal, many of the old recipes are being revived together with detailed directions for preparing the contents and putting them together. The word potpourri literally means rotten pot and is derived from the French pot and pourrir, to rot. Originally  such a mixture  contained what  were regarded as disinfectant herbs; rosemary, lavender, sage, southernwood and they were mixed with spices oils and fixatives, and left in a closed container to mature or rot into  moist mixture, strongly aromatic  and long lasting. Later, perfumed material became popular and gradually replaced the original formulae.

Potpourris now basically consist of the material to be used, whether it is flowers or leaves to which spices and fixatives are added, and sometimes also essential oils. The spices may be such seeds, fruits roots etc., as coriander, caraway, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg or ginger; fixatives include orris root, sweet flag root calamus sandalwood, common salt or bay salt that is sea salt, and the essential oils can be any extracted from perfumed flowers, from the aromatic  herbs and citrus fruits and from the fragrant timbers.

Dry Potpourris!

The dry version of potpourri is the one most often made at home or available in stores and is easier to make as well as being visually more attractive than the moist kin which however, lasts longer and is stronger and more penetrating. Dry potpourri consists of petals and leaves dried in the same way that culinary herbs are, and collected at the same time of day and in the same condition. Darkness is especially important to preserve the color of the flowers. The material should be crisp but not powdery when finally ready, and may take a day or a week or longer to reach the right stage. It can be added to as the season goes on.

All are mixed together in, preferably a glazed earthenware container or at any rate not a metal one, the spices then added and also thoroughly mixed  in, and then the essential oil, drop by drop, depending  on the fragrance achieved already. A dry potpourri relies in the last analysis on the added spices and oils for the strngthand lasting qualities of are fragrance. The spices should be ground up very finely, and for this a pepper mill, coffee grinder or heavy pestle and mortar are suitable. For the oil, use a syringe or eye-dropper.

Moist Potpourris!

Moist potpourri uses petals and leaves which are only part-dried, so that they are slightly flabby and limp, a little bit like moist chamois leather. The drying method is the same, but stops much sooner you may need to examine the material more frequently to prevent it from drying too much. It takes longer to complete, as several months are required for maturation. Quite a lot of salt will be needed, in what proportion of 3 parts petals and leaves to 1 of salt. Put a layer of petals an inch thick in the bottom of the container, and then cover with the salt sprinkled evenly all over it and firmed down, and repeat these two layers until all the current supply of material is used up. Moreover keep the layers pressed down hard and weighted well, and continue to add salt and flowers as they become available, stirring the material already in the container thoroughly before adding the new.

If liquid appears at the bottom of the container, drain it off and use I in the bath, and if frothing occurs, stir the mix to absorb it. When the container is full, there will be a sacked mass of petals and leaves. Break this up with a fork and then add to it a mixture of species and a mixture made up separately of dried herbs and citrus peel, sprinkling all over the potpourri and blending them thoroughly and gradually. At this stage the mix will be strongly aromatic and a drop or two of essential oil of your choice may be necessary, but often no further additions are required.

The final mix is then returned to the container, tightly pressed down and the container covered mainly to keep out dust, but it should not be airtight. After about six weeks the finally matured perfume will be apparent, and will then last for years. It is usually kept in a closed jar and opened when the fragrance is required to scent to room.

Fragrant  Gifts!

Recipes for potpourris fragrant and aromatic oils, and culinary vinegars will be found in the descriptive list of herbs but in addition to these, the following make delightful gifts and are easily made..

1.       Orange Pomander! Use a thin skinned orange, and make a narrow slit  in the skin round the circumference, removing about 6 mm width, then make another at right angles to this, so that the orange is marked in quarters. Put the orange in a warm place for a day or two to dry out, and then push whole cloves into it closely enough to ensure that the heads are virtually touching. Use a thin knitting needle to make holes if the orange is tough. When the whole orange is covered, roll it in a mixture of powdered orris root  alone, or a mixture with spices of your choice, such as cinnamon, ginger, mixed spice etc. and then wrap it up for two weeks and store in the dark. Take of the wrapping tie colored ribbon round the orange over the cut sections and use for hanging in cupboard or wardrobe.

2.       Scented Sachets! For these, use lavender or the dried version of potpourri or make up your own mixtures of aromatic herbs depending on whether you want them for fragrance or for warding off moths and other insects from clothes and household linen. Lavender should be cut just before the  flowers are fully open, and hung upside down for a few days to dry, then rubbed down to remove the flowers. Used alone it is a pungent fragrance, long lasting and pervading. Insect repellent mixtures can contain any of the following costmary, southernwood tansy, rue, and rosemary, mint all cursed, and powered cloves in whatever combination you prefer. Make up the small bags to contain them from muslin (Cheesecloth) or nylon net or any thin material in pretty designs, pack them fairly tight, and finish with ribbons or cords. They should remain effective for one to two years.

3.       Tussie Mussie! This is a tiny bunch or nosegay of fragrant flowers and herbs, principally used in mediaeval times for carrying in the hand and warding off unpleasant smells and infection from plague and other diseases. The formal Victorian posies were a derivation, but by then were merely a pretty conceit to provide decoration and perfume. As a modern gift they can be made up, suing small, perfect blooms, fresh leaves, with perhaps a rose bud or pink as the centre, and the outside finished off with a white paper doily and secured with ribbon. It should be as neat a formal as possible, with blooms arranged in concentric circles, interleaved with folilage. Diameter should be about 6.7 cm.

Wednesday 13 June 2018

The Mud Volcanoes of Azerbaijan

In 2001 in Azerbaijan, the ground start to move in an unusual way seems some supernatural powers trying to get out of the ground. This is extremely happened in unexpected way, when a massive explosion causes a huge flame coming from the three hundred meters high hillside. The massive flame surrounded by dense black smoke, and heap of mud was being thrown into the air. Bubbling and belching away like witches’ cauldrons, mud volcanoes are one of nature’s more murky oddities. So, Azerbaijan is the first place in the world for the amount of mud volcanoes, local people call them “yanardagh” (burning mountain), and other kind of mud volcanoes is found out in wells. It is believed, that volcanoes start to erupt in this territory about 25 million years ago.Source: CP

Monday 11 June 2018

15 Terrifying Creatures Found In 16,000 ft Deep Ocean

The ocean life is extremely hidden to human life. No one exactly knows, how much creatures are living at the bottom of ocean. Every day scientific are finding new species which are rare to humans. In this video, you will see some of rare species living at ocean bed.

Water Pouring out from Tree in Montenegro

The first question comes in our mind why the water pouring out from this tree in Montenegro? A unique natural phenomenal video shared by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty in a village named “DinoÅ¡a”, located in southeastern Montenegro a small country on the Adriatic coast. The mulberry tree standing in the meadow there that turns into a fountain whenever it rains heavy. From a hollow on the tree trunk water can be seen gushing abundantly. Although, actually, the rains had flooded the underground springs and the extra pressure formed pushed water up the tree trunk through cracks or hollows on the trunk, until it poured out of a hole a few feet above the ground.

Saturday 9 June 2018

The Ultimate Secrets of Wild Herbs

The ultimate secrets of wild Herbs were originally all wild plants; in fact many of the plants now grown in gardens are wild plants in their native countries, and are not the result of many years of plant breeding and hybridizing under cultivation. The blue morning glory for instance with its exquisitely shaded blue trumpet flowers is a rampant invader in its native south Africa as the British white funneled bindweed is an obstinate and recalcitrant colonizer of herbaceous borders shrubs and roses.

Beneficial Weeds!

Another name for wild plants which appear unwontedly in gardens is weed but many if not all of these so called weeds once had considerable value medicinally to say nothing of their household and domestic merits. Practically any plant seen during country rambles by the path side, in pastures and meadows growing in hedges and at the side of streams and ponds probably had some significance to the infirmarers and physicians of the past.

Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris is one once used to flavor all sorts of drinks particularly homemade juices to ward off moths and as a cold preventative it is a common weed of wasteland. Eyebright, Euphrasia officinal is another small unremarkable plant, easily trampled underfoot on paths and with tiny white and lilac tubular flowers. It is a member of the Scrophulariaceae,. It was thought by Arab physicians to cure all evils of the eye, and Gerard said that it preserves the sight and being feeble and lost it restores the same.

Cowslisp (Primula veris) were used to remedy restlessness insomnia and in general act as a sedative or corn poppy of Flanders (Papaver rhoeas) is still a remedy for many ailments including tonsillitis, anxiety and coughs. Various species of thistles have been employed for all sorts of needs for making paper, curdling milk as a tonic and diaphoretic and so on. Weed herbs in the descriptive list of herbs include dandelion, nettle, elder, horsetail, marshmallow, mullein and valerian.

Couch grass; that curse of the gardener and nightmare amongst shrubs and herbaceous perennials was formerly much used for a variety of ailments including cystitis and rheumatism, has a diuretic effect and is still a urinary antiseptic. Ground–elder is another invader bent on taking over the whole garden, but its other name of goutweed gives the game away. It is too was once a valued herb supposed to have great affects on gout and sciatic though even in Elizabethan times was often regarded as a nuisance. When it hath once taken root, it will hardly be gotten out again, to the annoyance of better herbs. It could not be better described its very commonness is indicated by the number of vernacular names it has at least sixteen amongst which is “bishop’s weed” because it was so often found near ruined places and similar building having been introduced by a mediaeval monks as a herb of healing.

Even the ubiquitous bramble or blackberry had its place; apart from its delicious jelly and fruits. The jelly was once used to good effect in cases of dropsy. The bark and roots were considered of much value in treating diarrhea and dysentery. The leaves are still recommended as a decoction for treating external ulcers and as a gargle; they are thought to have an anti-diabetic effect, though this is not yet proven.

A country walk then can easily turn into a voyage of discovery if you take a modern herbal with you. The alternatively make notes in advance from a herbal or wild plants which used to be herbs. And take a flora for identification. If you have no herbal take a notebook to enable you to put down details of the plants found, together with sketches or photographs. These will enable you to check with a library copy whether the plants discovered have a history of ancient use. It perhaps a modern one but you will find  the old dye plants those used for shampoos and hair coloring, for skin cleansing, healing poultices an endless number for human needs and remedies.

Bergamot, growing wild in a Michigan landscape, as it is native of North America and also known as “bee balm” because both bees and humming birds are much attracted by its blossoms. Hemlock one of the most common poisonous plants, is often found growing in roadside ditches and on waste ground and bears a dangerous resemblance to cow parsley. Socrates is said to have been killed with the juice of this herb. Cowslip is a common plant in fields, meadows and hedgerows it was once used medicinally for restlessness insomnia and in general as a sedative.

Poisonous Herbs:

But a word of warning, there are also some wild plants once used herbally asemetics, purgatives and laxatives, which are not known to be poisonous. Don’t experiment too far with flavors’ of berries or leaves if in doubt, don’t try it. The Following are poisonous wild plants commonly found growing in Britain and North America. Atropa belladonna, deadly nightshade; Bryonia dioica, white bryony; Colchicum autumnale, autumn crocus; Aconitum anglicum, monk;s hood; Conium maculatum, hemlock; Datura stramonium, thornapple; Helleborus niger, Mandragora officinalis, mandrake; Mercurialis perennis, dog mercury; Solanum dulcamara, woody nightshade; Solanum nigra, black nightshade.

Gardener’s Friends:

It is also worth remembering that herbal weeds may well do well to one’s garden plants provided they can be kept under reasonable control. A light weed cover will keep the soil moist for longer, and provide shade for roots. Hoeing such a cover in before it flowers and seeds provide a kind of instant green manure which improves or maintains a good soil structure. Chamomile is said to be the plants doctor in some way the secretions given off by the roots help unhealthy young plants to recover.

Red clover, Trifolium pretense, will add to the nitrogen content of the soil, and pieces of the hollow stems of angelica will trap earwigs. Compost material can be encouraged to rot down by adding nettle tops to it, and valerian, dandelion leaves chamomile and yarrow leaves mixed together with nettles form a readymade accelerator used in thin layers as the heap is built.

Create your Own Nature Reserve !

So, if there is enough space to spare in the garden from growing ornamentals and fruit and vegetable crops. It is a good idea to turn it into a kind of controlled nature reserve, in which weeds or wild herbs can be left to grow naturally, without any particular plan of planning. Naturally, the more rampant varieties such as bramble bindweed, nettle, ground-elderand horsetail will need cheking but if these are likely to be a problem, don’t introduce them. Stick to the smaller herbaceous and annual plants, such as scarlet pimpernel, corn poppy, chickweed (Stellaria media), wild marjoram, alexanders, burdock, wild chicory, foxglove, meadowsweet soapwort, teasel, and dyer’s weld to name just a few.

You can have a pretty nature reserve without much difficulty paths in it could consists of clover, yarrow and chamomile, clipped occasionally or even mown and the flowering plants could be mixed with various grasses for a completely natural effect. Such a mixture is what has come to be called a flowering meadow, which is left untouched except for cutting immediately after the majority of plants have flowered, usually about the middle of midsummer. This ensures speeding for next year and encourages the greatest number of species. The cut material should be left to lie.

But you can alternatively just grow the flowering wild plants and be a little more formal, and at the same time more decorative, by planting them in beds, so that the contrast between this section and the rest of the garden is not so great. Some of the prettiest varieties are yellow archangel, Lamiastrum galeobdolon; bellflower, Campanula trachelium; bluebell, Endymion non-scriptus; broom, Cytisus scoparius; dyers greenwood, Genista tinctoria; bugle, Ajuga reptans; meadow buttercup, Ranunculus acris, red campion, Silene dioica; greater celandine, Chelidonium majus; lesser celandine, Ranunculus ficaria; wild chicory Cichorium nintybus cowslip, Primula veris. There are also dandelion, evening primrose, foxglove, harebell, heart’s ease, herb Robert, purple loosestrife, mullein, ox-eyes daisy, field scabious, devil’s bit, sea holly, tansy, teasel, thistles, thrift and yellow rattle, practically all of which have had or still have some herbal use.

Birds Bees and other Fauna !

You will also find that, by growing all these native plants you will attract a good many other living species, representatives of the insect, animal, bird and aquatic orders, particularly butterflies moths, pollinating insects generally such as bees, hoverflies and lacewings. So, species of birds perhaps may have never seen in the garden before, as they discover seeds or berries which are part of their essential diets. However the frogs and toads, newts if you sink a pond, water snails, beetles and other aquatics. A heap of mown hay and leaves will encourage hedgehogs to hibernate; voles field mince and perhaps even dormice will appear.

The average suburban garden is something of a nature reserve in its own right, and insects alone that can be seen in it may consist of over 200 species of moths, more than 80 sorts of bees and wasps, and nearly 2 dozen butterflies. Hoverflies also called flower flies, in particular may be abundant getting on for 100 different species, and these not only do no harm but do a great deal of good partly by pollinating and partly by the larvae feeding on greenfly. Moths mostly fly and feed after dark, in particular at dusk and dawn, and the  garden or nature reserve which contains an abundance of scented plants especially those whose  perfume comes out at night will attract moths in quantity and of course their larvae the caterpillars.

A patch of garden of meadow devoted to this kind of plant may cause visitors to wonder why you have allowed it to revert to a wilderness. However the good that it will do to the rest of the garden in restoring and maintaining a natural balance, and the fact that  native plants are being conserved and increased more than justify its presence. Indeed in the modern world, such areas are now essential if plant, animal and insects species are not to disappear forever. 

Tuesday 5 June 2018

The Incredible Hydrothermal Fields of Ethiopia

The hydrothermal fields of Ethiopia look like landscape of an alien plant. The amazing photographs of Dallol Volcano in Ethiopia look out of world. Dallol is actually hydrothermal field, is an endless yellow-orange landscape, craters stretching for several miles around. The volcano fields are located in the northern Danakil depression. This part of world has too many hot springs which discharge brine and acidic liquid. However almost 150 feet below sea level, Dallol’s craters lowest known subaerial vents in the world, the explosion crater are was formed by the intrusion of basaltic magma in Miocene salt deposits and subsequent hydrothermal activity. Source: CP

The Blue Grotto in Malta

The Blue Grotto is a number of sea caverns on the South Coast of Malta, located within the Qrendi village, near “Wied iz-Zurrieq” and right side is alsoacross from the small uninhabited islet of Filfla except for a distinctive species of lizards that live there. There is a unique site every day from sunrise until about 1pm when cave combined with the sunlight lead to the water mirroring showing various shades of blue. There are so many caverns mirror the brilliant phosphorescent colors of the underwater flora; other caverns show a deep dark shade of blue.

The Great Banyan Tree of India

The Great Banyan is a banyan tree; also called Ficus Benghalensis belonging to the family Moraceae, is more than 250 years old tree, which date of birth is yet not confirmed. The Banyan tree is located in Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanic Garden Howrah near Kolkata India. The tree has mentioned in several travel books of 19th century, but no clear history of tree, when was it planted. The Great Banyan tree has survived many difficult situations, like two severe cyclones of 1864, and 1867.Source: CP

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Clathrus Archeri or Devil's Finger Fungus

Clathrus archeri is commonly known as octopus stinkhorn, or devil’s fingers, is a fungus indigenous to Australia and New Zealand, and an introduced species in Europe, North America and Asia. In Britain this amazing fungus is usually known as Devil’s Fingers, and in parts of the USA it is referred to as the Octopus Fungus. Source: CP

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Birds are Gems of Mother Nature

No doubt Birds are Gems of Mother Nature. Almost every human like Birds and had a desire to see colorful birds in their courtyar or outside. In this video you can see some of best Birds recorded in the camera.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

The Astonishing Strokkur Geyser, Iceland

In the land that gifted English the word Photo Volcanica “geyser,” Strokkur is one of the most impressive. Strokkur is a fountain geyser located in a geothermal area beside the Hvítá River in Iceland in the southwest part of the country, east of Reykjavík and erupt every five to ten minutes or so. It is one of Iceland’s most famous geysers and its usual height is 15 to 20 m, sometimes erupt up to 40 m high. Strokkur is belongs to Haukadalur valley where various geothermal features such as mud pools, fumaroles and other geysers are located around it, such as the famous Geysir geyser. Source: CP

Thursday 17 May 2018

Sea Lion Caves in the Oregon Coast of U.S.

Sea Lion Caves are a connected system of sea caves and caverns open to the Pacific Ocean in the U.S. state of Oregon. They’re are located 11 miles north of Florence and 400 miles Oregon Coast. In this region area Highway 101 follows a steep and undeveloped seascape 300 feet above sea level. Lichens, algae, and mineral stains cover the cavern walls with greens, pinks, purples, buffs, and reds on the rough surfaces, few of which are named Lincoln’s Head, the Indian Maiden, and The Goddess of Liberty.