During World War II children were fitted with a weird Mickey Mouse gas mask. It was 1942, just about a month after the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor.
Fearing imminent chemical attack on American soil, the government
issued thousands of gas mask to civilians. Children couldn't fit into
the regulation-sized masks. The masks were designed to fit kids
18 months to four years old, and were supposed to take away some of the
fear out of a chemical attack.They look much creepier than the regulation gas masks!
Friday, 25 December 2015
New Species of Spider
Tattoo artist Mark Pennell and his friend Dean Hewlett spent £30,000
scouring the world’s jungles looking for a new species of spider. He was in Borneo, when a tree-dwelling tarantula dropped right in-front of him.Experts took until this year to confirm the spider as the first newly-recorded species of tarantula since 1895.They named the species Phormingochilus pennellhewletti, combining Mark and Dean's surnames.
Mysterious Things
The Cecil, Hotel
The Cecil, is a hotel at the heart of Los Angeles's Skid Row. This was the site of a mysterious death in 2013.
"Night Stalker" Richard Ramirez called one of its rooms home in the
'80s, and a Viennese serial killer stalked hookers there in the 1960s.
Many have committed suicide from its 15 stories, one killing a person
on the sidewalk below. This is also the site of the mysterious Elisa Lam
death too.
Strange Things
Cymothoa Exigua
This pale little bug is Cymothoa Exigua, also known as the Tongue-Eating Louse, or the Tongue Isopod. They enter through the gills as a juvenile, the Tongue-Eating Louse will clamp on to the base of the fish’s tongue. It uses its claws to sever the blood vessels to the tongue. The tongue falls off after losing blood supply. The Isopod will then take the place of the fish’s tongue, attaching itself to the muscles that controlled the tongue. Probably Hollywood getting idea of Alien type movies from this type of creatures. Therefore, many of bait species like slimy or jack mackerel and yellow tail have them in warmer months.
Shocking Photos of Halls of An Asylum
Here are some truly shocking photos of what it used to be like to walk the halls of an asylum. There were countless reasons for being admitted to this asylum in the late 1800's, including laziness and egotism. Therefore, treatments included radium therapy, and diathermia, which was a
treatment which sent a jolt of electricity through the patient's brain. Moreover, other patients had to wear masks to stop violent patients from biting people. So, it was once believed that mental disorders could be steamed away too.
Mysterious Things
The Black Knight Satellite
This photo is one of several observations made by some of the first
man-made satellites in 1960, reporting unidentified objects in polar
orbit, something that neither the US nor Russia were capable of at the
time. Since then, the “Black Knight” was said to disappear and
reappear at regular intervals. Several pics of this strange object have
been taken, but it has yet to be identified as a known piece of man-made
Rumors are that it Nikola Tesla was the first man to
“intercept” a signal from this otherworldly satellite in 1899 after
building a high-voltage radio device in Colorado Springs. After Tesla’s
discovery in the next 30 to 50 years the signal was being intercepted
more frequently until it was apparently “decoded”. Since the 1930′s
Astronomers worldwide have been reporting strange radio signals which
allegedly come from the “Black Knight”.
Strange Things
The Superstition Mountain
A mountain range located east of Phoenix, Arizona. Already it’s off to a great start with the name.
According to legend, sometime in the 1800s a man named Jacob Waltz
discovered a huge goldmine within the mountains that has since been
dubbed the Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine. He kept the location a secret until his deathbed, upon which he may or may not have told a single person the secret.
Regardless, the mine has never been found, in spite of many
expeditions. Some say the spirits of people who have lost their lives in
search of the gold still haunt the mountains.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
South Korean Photographer Captures Spectacular Landscapes Reflected in Mirror-Like Lakes
These days, most of photographer
is very keen on taking picture of natural landscape. Nature is extremely close
to heart of everyone. People really like to enjoy in open air with fresh breath
to relax him for daily routine. Similarly The Seoul-based photographer Jaewoon
U has gathered quite the following on 500px, and rightly so. His imposing
landscape shots of his home country are nothing if not magical, overflowing
with colors and rich details. The South Korean artist is mainly skilled at
capturing beautiful outdoor scenery reflected within mirror-like lakes and
rivers. Moreover, Jaewoon's spectacular portfolio features the essence of
nonviolent harmony in each composition, while instantaneously showcasing the
natural beauty of the countryside. The photographer's wanderlust-inducing
portraits are visually tempting enough to immediately add South Korea to our
travel bucket-list.
Friday, 27 November 2015
Dunlin & Sanderling
The dunlin and sanderling are small, gregarious waders often
seen on our mudflats and long sandy beaches in winter. The dunlin is one of our smallest wading
birds, at a length of about 18cm (7in) or so. Moreover throughout the year it
can be seen at almost any estuary, muddy beach or harbor. Inland, it is surprisingly
common; sewage farms, flooded fields and the shores of reservoirs are good
places to see dunlin in winter, and in summer it can be found in the moorland
areas where it breads. Therefore, dunlin is easy to recognize in the summer
because it has a characteristic black patch on its belly. The upperparts are a
rich Rufous brown streaked and spotted with black. The breast is heavily
streaked with brown. In the autumn, the dunlin moults to its winter plumage,
losing both its body and wing feathers in spring, when it regains its breeding
plumage, only the body feathers are moulted and replaced. The dunlin’s winter plumage
is quite drab and inconspicuous, the upperparts being grey brown and the
underparts a dull white.
Dark-shouldered sanderlings, the sanderling are slightly
larger than the dunlin and usually inhabit sandy estuaries and ling sandy
beaches. In Britain, it is most often seen in its winter plumage, which is much
more striking than that of the dunlin. Its underparts and much of its head are
pure white and its back and wings are pale grey. Often, there is a dark patch
on the shoulder of the wing, mostly called the wrist. Like the dunlin, the sanderling moults its
body feathers in the spring. Its summer plumage resembles that of the dunlin,
except that it has a white belly. The best chance of seeing a sanderling in
full breeding plumage is in spring, when many birds migrate north along our
coasts, having just grown a new set of body feathers.
Beak differences a good way to tell the difference between
the dunlin and the sanderling is to look at the beak. British dunlins have
downward curving beaks about 3cm (1-4/5) long, whereas the sanderling has a
shorter (2.5cm/1in), straight beak. There is considerable variation in beak
lengths among dunlins, the British birds in general having shorter beaks than
those breeding further north. For example, Canadian dunlins have beaks
averaging about 4.5cm.

Both dunlins and sanderlings feed until high tide and then
fly off to special roosting sites on shingle banks and marshes or sometimes, on
grassy fields. There the birds gather in their thousands for two or three hours
until the tide has retreated and they can return to feed. Both on the ground
and in flight the two species form their own groups. In the winter, a large
flock of dunlin’s flying to or from the feeding and roosting areas can be a
marvelous spectacle. Each bird in the flock flies in precise formation only a
few inches from its neighbor, and with each change of direction the color of
the flock changes. First you see the bird’s dark upperparts then as they swerve
to one side, the dark changes to the white of their underparts.
Migration routes are normally seen in Britain, and all
sanderlings are winter visitors or passing migrants. Migrating sanderlings
arrive in the British Isles each July and August from their breeding grounds in
Greenland and Siberia. Some spend the winter here and the remainders fly on
South to France, the Iberian Peninsula and Africa.

Moreover, the breeding season for dunlins usually starts in
April or May. A typical site is a damp, peaty, upland moor, though some nest
beside lakes and others in salt marshes. The nest is a tiny hollow, hidden among
heather or a grassy tussock to provide shelter. The female lays four eggs the
typical number for a wader at the rate of one every day or two. Both parents
help to incubate the eggs until they hatch after about three weeks. Dunlin
chicks are superbly well camouflaged with yellow, butt, black and white down.
When danger threatens they lie down and become almost invisible. They feed
mainly on midges and crane fly larvae, which are plentiful at the time of year.
The chicks grow quickly and can fly after about 25 days, when they leave for
the coastal feeding sites.
Occasionally, dunlins manage to raise two broods
in a season, but this is rare. The sanderling on the other hand, normally
succeeds with two broods by laying one clutch of eggs in a first nest, followed
immediately by another clutch in a second nest. Both clutches contain four
eggs; one is incubated by the female and the other by the male. Sanderling
chicks have the same camouflaged down as dunlin chicks and they fledge in much
the same length of time. Soon after, they begin their long migration south.
Some of the birds still have their winter plumage but most have moulted ready
for the breeding season. Soon they will be migrating to their breeding grounds
far to the north.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Parrots are close to 372 different bird species in 86 genera
Parrots are close to 372 different bird species in 86
genera that make up the order Tvtysananaz Frvrdh Nvarvargan often in
tropical lands and their Nymhgrmsyrzndgy Tvtysanan order of the top
three family that includes Tvtyayan (true parrots), cockatoo (parrots
cockatoo), and Kakapvyan (New Zealand parrots) is. The greatest diversity of parrots in South America and strategy. Parrots
are a variety of different colors and tail feathers and head feathers
are separated. Tvtysanan colored wings and beak is curved and distorted,
some short and some long tail and forelock and tail. Fruits and
seeds are usually very strong beak to break flakes that are hard to do.
Most of these birds are not sexual dimorphism and both texture to a
The color green is the color most parrots combined with other bright colors. Sometimes parrots of several different colors. Parrots, along with ravens, crows, and set the highest intelligence of birds. This bird has the ability to mimic sounds and without comprehension,
word pronunciation, but sometimes it is seen that parrot the view the
scene or person or the behavior of others uses the right words to fit.
Roratus, native to the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea
Roratus, native to the Solomon Islands and Papua New
Guinea and surrounding islands, Australia and the Maluku Islands. It's
unusual bird plumage male and female emerald green, mainly on its bright
red and purple and blue. If pesticides and pest Shkjmyt not without
of the parrots remain, and sometimes pests for eating the fruit
of the tree caused the death of this case is unique. In some countries
(Guinea) and family limited to relatively small islands of light fill
your bird also used as decoration.
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Wow, Emirates Unveils New Airbus A380 With a Record 615 Seats.
Emirates has introduced a new A380, which has two classes “business” and “economy” while the third first class has been scrapped the spacious first class cabin and trimming 18 flat-bed seats from business class. Therefore, economy class is getting even bigger after Emirates reconfigured its new Airbus A380-800 planes to hold the most seats ever for an airliner. The Dubai-based luxury carrier has added 3 rows and 130 seats in economy. Already the world’s largest passenger plane, the new two-class A380 will hold a staggering 615 passengers in business and economy but travellers in so-called cattle class will not lose any legroom inside Emirates overhauled cabin. The luxury Gulf carrier has unveiled at the Dubai Airshow has two-class 557 seats in economy and 58 seats and a lounge in business carrying adequate passengers to rival the population of a small village. The company is targeting to meet the future needs, as Emirates' economy cabin was voted one of the best in the world, and features some of the largest in-flight screens. The world largest passenger plane will carry around 100 more passengers than the existing setup seating 489 or 517 passengers. However, Emirate Airline economy is best in the world be spacious and comfortable, the onboard passengers can pass their time by watching movies, TV shows, on one of the widest entertainment screens at 13.3 in.
The seat pitch (the space between the back of one seat and the back of the seat behind it) will remain 32-34in and the width will be slightly smaller at 17.5in, half an inch less than Emirates' three-class A380s, which have fewer economy seats. Moreover, if an airline could scrap first and business classes, then they can convert an entire A380-800 into an economy-class only configuration, it could hold 853 passengers. Hence, Emirates' economy cabin is among the best in the industry, taking seventh place in this year's Skytrax World Airline Awards. One of its biggest perks is an in-flight entertainment system that has been named the world's best for a record 11 consecutive years. It has more than 500 films on offer, and it displays incredible scenes from on-board cameras that show the pilots' view or the ground below. Well, the massive four-engine plane will be used on Emirates’ Dubai-Copenhagen route when it enters commercial service on 1 December. The average flight time between Dubai and Copenhagen is about 7 hours and a one-way economy class ticket costs about £350 ($540).
Friday, 13 November 2015
Toborochi Tree
The silk floss tree (Ceiba speciosa, formerly Chorisia speciosa), is a
species of deciduous tree native to the tropical and subtropical forests
of South America. It has a host of local common names, such as palo
borracho (in Spanish literally "drunken stick"). It belongs to the same
family as the baobaband the kapok. Another tree of the same genus,Ceiba
chodatii, is often referred to by the same common names.
Monday, 2 November 2015
The beauty of the Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia,
The beauty of the Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia, increased in the second round of the New Seven Wonders of Nature. Waterfalls of Plitvice, Croatia National Park. It is one of the 20 most beautiful lakes in the world for the post 17. The
park covers an area of 33,000hectares and includes 16 lakes in
succession, connected by waterfalls.Plitvice is the oldest national park
in Southeast Europa. The park also many caves of
which only a small part is agibile.I lakes are formed by two rivers: the
White River and the Black River, which flow into the river Korana. The
waters of these rivers are rich in calcareous salts(mainly calcium
carbonate and magnesium carbonate) dissolution of carbonate rocks that
form the geological structure of sito.Questi salts precipitated by
vegetation, forming layers of travertine, one sedimentary rock recently.
Conrad Algarve, Portugal
The Conrad opened in October 2012 and is the rising star of luxury
leisure hotels, not just in the Algarve, but the whole of Portugal. The
hotel has everything you could desire in a luxury resort, a sumptuous
spa, exciting bar and restaurant outlets, a cool lobby, eye catching
architectural designs and spacious and state of the art bedrooms.
Located in the heart of the best golf region, Quinta do Lago and Vale do
Lobo are just minutes away. The hotel has underground parking, verdant
sub tropical gardens, a stunning outlook across the wild Algarve
countryside and an excellent terraced pool area, it is trendy, chic and
contemporary, in a nutshell it is the best newcomer to the 5 star luxury
market in Portugal, setting new standards of true excellence. During
the summer months from May to September there is also a courtesy shuttle
taking clients down to the Beach Club.
Set on the Quinta do Lago estate, just 25 minutes from Faro airport and only 5 to 7 minutes from 5 of the most exhilarating courses in Southern Europe, Quinta do Lago North, South and Laranjal plus the superb Vale do Lobo Ocean and Royal courses.
Set on the Quinta do Lago estate, just 25 minutes from Faro airport and only 5 to 7 minutes from 5 of the most exhilarating courses in Southern Europe, Quinta do Lago North, South and Laranjal plus the superb Vale do Lobo Ocean and Royal courses.
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