aboard the National Geographic Journey to Antarctica cruise were amazed by
sightings of a lovely golden penguin in the middle of a black and white flock.
This was a distinct event because animals of its coloring are exceptional and
hardly ever seen in the wild life. The beautiful blonde bird was determined to
be a chinstrap penguin, a member of a species that inhabits the shores of the
Southern Pacific and Antarctic Ocean. Therefore, the penguin is seen relaxing
just off one of the South Shetland Islands, the gorgeous creature has been
categorized as a leucistic penguin due to the unique traces of blonde color
running through its coat.
Leucism is a condition resulting from a genetic mutation that reduces the
production of pigmentation in an animal's skin cells. It is uncommon in wild
animals because it makes them stand out from the rest of their species as a
target, but does make for an interesting creature to look at, such as this
adorable white giraffe Omo in recent times spotted in Tanzania. Specifically in
birds, the condition is well-known as “isabellinisim” and is caused by a limited
melanin in the plumage and feathers. The chance genetic condition results in
the unique creamy, pale gold color that makes this little penguin the odd one
out of its colony. Though his penguin mates don’t seem to mind his appearance,
and it shouldn't affect his aptitude to find a breeding partner, the typical
black and white color of a penguin supports to camouflage it from predators and
prey. Therefore, this odd duck’s appearance may affect its chances of existence
unless it is able to pay off by being extra stealthy and aware of predators.