Friday 13 May 2016

Blueberries The Well-Known Super Fruit

Blueberries are wonderful plants. Not only do they live for decades and bear delicious fruits that need almost o care, but they also are beautiful in themselves, with white, bell like flowers in spring and hand some oval leaves that turn orange scarlet in fall. The berries are pretty, ripening slowly so that clusters are green red and blue all at once. Even the bare reddish stems are eye catching in winter. It often use blueberries in landscaping a home whether the owners want to eat the berries or not if they don’t then certainly the birds will. The plants look good as hedges, at the edge of a pond or even near the house as specimen shrubs. 

There are several different blueberry species. The one most commonly grown for fruit and for ornament is highbush blueberry “Vaccinium corymbosum”. It is the hardiest of the lot and normally grows to about 8 feet tall if unpruned but sometimes twice that. Low bush blueberry “V. angustifolium” stays under 2 feet tall and makes a fine ground cover. Rabbit eye blueberry “V.ashei” is a highbush species that, unlike V. corymbosum, does not need to be thoroughly chilled in winter and will bear well in the south. It does not thrive north of zone 7, however V. ashei is a very tall, vigorous shrub that ripens later than northern blueberries; the fruits are generally not as sweet but are large and good baking. In Connecticut, both highbush and lowbush blueberries grow wild. The wild berries are the best of all if you judge by flavor, even though they are smaller and picking a pie, may take hours. But what better way to spend a few summer hours on a sun baked hillside. The northeastern part of Turkey is one of the key sources of Caucasian whortleberry (V. arctostaphylos), bilberry (V. myrtillus) and bog blueberry, bog whortleberry or bog bilberry (V. uliginosum).

Moreover, choosing a blueberry site by observing the plants in the wild can be misleading. The highbush ones often grow in swamps, and while it may look as if they are growing with their feet in the water, they are actually perched above it, with the ground they grow in soaking up water from below. The lowbush blueberries appear to scramble over bare, rocky mountaintops where there seems to be hardly any soil at all, let alone water. But their long roots are actually snaking down into fissures in the rocks, finding both the roots of both highbush and lowbush blueberries spread vigorously underground. You should give yoru blueberries a site where moisture is ample but doesn’t just sit around the roots. Other important factors are full sun so they’ll ripen and good air circulation to prevent disease.  

Well to select the soil should be loose and light, but the most important factor in growing blueberries is acidity. Blueberries like a pH of about 4.5 and will grow in anything from 3.5 to 5.5. Hence, if you are not sure whether the soil is acid enough in your area or in the spot where you want to grow them, have it tested. If the soil is alkaline you may want to grow something else instead, but if you are hell-bent on blueberries there are ways to make your soil more acid. Moreover you can add aluminum sulfate purchased from a garden center, following in the directions on the package or the recommendations of your soil test, but in most cases you can lower pH simply by digging a lot of acidic organic matter into the soil; rotted leaves, wood chips, peat moss, shredded bark, sawdust any of these will do the trick and will also help the soil to retain the moisture that blueberries need. 

To plant the blueberries, and then buy dormant plants that are two or three years old those any older are difficult to transplant. You can order them by mail or online to pick it. Planting bare root is fine and gives you a chance to see whether the plants have a good healthy, fibrous root system rather than just a few stringy roots. But be sure to keep the roots moist up until the time they go into the ground this is extremely crucial. Well, the ideal weather is to plant blueberries in early spring in cool climates, late fall in mild ones, in holes 18 inches deep and equally wide. Well enriched with organic matter. If the planting area has poor soil, enrich it throughout. Don’t add fertilizer or manure directly to the hole, however, though you may spread some on the soil surface. Moreover highbush berries are best planted at least six feet apart, or even a bit farther specially for rabbit eyes, so the whole bush can be sun ripened, but if you are making a hedge, then three to four feet apart is acceptable. Dwarf highbush varieties can also go this close, or they can be planted in containers. Plant low bush berries about two feet apart. These can be dug from the wild if you have a source, by removing large pieces of sod along with bushes. Therefore, plant blueberries at the same depth at which they were growing previously or an inch or so deeper, spreading the roots out in the soil, firming lightly and watering well. Cut back the tops by half and apply thick mulch six inches is about right of an acidic organic material such as shredded bark. 

It is very imperative to keep the plants moist the first year they are growing and any time that fruit is forming. They should be fed fairly heavily each year at blossom time by top dressing with acidic compost, well-rotted manure, or a commercial fertilizer designed for acid loving plants such as azaleas. You can also use cottonseed meal, blood meal, fish meal, ammonium sulfate, rock phosphate, bone meal or just about anything else you like except materials such as wood ashes or lime, that will raise the pH. But make sure don’t fertilizer excessively with nitrogen or you may get vigorous plants with sparse fruit. You can feed again as fruits are forming, but don’t feed past June in climates where late new growth may be winterkilled. Don’t try to dig fertilizers into the soil since the plants are shallow rooted; just remove the mulch, apply nutrients to the soil surface, water well, and replace the mulch. The mulch will break down and do its part in acidifying and lightening the soil add some more each year.
Further, blueberries, especially highbush species, benefit from pruning to keep the plants a size you can pick easily, to let sun into the bush to ripen fruits and to keep a good supply of fresh new growth coming along. Berried develop on fruiting spurs produced the previous season on side branches of old main stems. You may won’t have to start pruning until bushes are three to four years old, but then start thinning them once a year while they are dormant. Just when they are about to leaf out is a good time because you can then remove any winterkilled wood. Thin out old, gray canes with lots of little twigs that have grown beyond bearing age and have no fruiting buds visible, cutting them at the base of the plant. Favor the newer, redder canes, keeping 6 to 8 good bearing canes on the bush. Tall, straggly canes can be headed back,  and weak short, twiggy growth can be removed from tips. Note, while pruning, that fruiting buds are fatter than leaf buds; avoid removing twigs with a lot of these. 

Therefore, if you buy healthy bushes and take good care of them, you will perhaps have very little trouble with blueberries. There are some diseases, but most modern cultivars have been bred for resistance. If you live an area where the berries are more disease prone, then apply fresh mulch each year, prune out debris promptly disinfecting your clippers between cuts and go easy on the fertilizer. If bushes succumb to botrytis in wet weather the berries shrivel and the tips die or stunt disease which are spread by leafhoppers and stunt the plants. Then destroy them and start over in a new place. They might occasionally get yellows disease if drainage is poor and the pH too high. Mummy berry, a fungus that makes the berries shrivel and harden, is often caused by wet weather a poor air circulation. Remove all debris, especially dead berries, hold off on fertilizer, and turn over or replace the mulch in early spring. Hence the most troublesome pests of blueberries you will have to deal with will be birds. You will perhaps have to cover the bushes with plastic netting or cheesecloth extending clear down to the ground to avoid losing much of your crop. Spreading the netting on the light-weight metal or wooden framework with a flap you can lift to enter the cage will make picking easier. Other pests include blueberry maggot the larva of the blueberry fruit fly, which enters the fruit and rots it. Clean up dropped barriers and fight the critter by catching it in the fly stage with yellow sticky taps or by using rotenone. If blueberries stem borers get into the stems in early summer, causing them to wilt, remove the stems and burn them. Pick off Japanese beetles or use milky spore disease. 

Though blueberries were usually hand-picked with berry-picking rakes, but modern farmers are using machine harvesters that shake the fruit off the bush of cultivated highbush blueberries, while new machines are being developed for wild. If you are bringing yourself to do it, you should rub off developing berries on young plants until they are 3 to 4 years old, to let the bush put its energy into growth. You will start to get abundant crops when the bushes are about 5 years old, perhaps about 6 quarts per bush. You should pick at least twice a week just rubbing your thumb over the berry cluster and letting the ripe berries fall into your hand or a container held under them. Picking this way is important because berries that look blue are not always ripe. They should really sit on the bush for a week after they are blue, until they fall off easily. The fact that the clusters ripen a little at a time means that you can pick from a single cluster for up to a month and enjoy the berries over a long period. If you plant early, middle and late varieties you can harvest berries from June to September.  

Most blueberry varieties do not self-pollinate well, so it is best to plant several. Popular early varieties include “Earliblue” the short growing “Northland” and “Collins”, which bears in long, uniformly ripening clusters. For mild season grown “Blueray” “Bluecrop” and Berkeley all of which bear abundant crops of large berries. For later berries grow “Jersey” the shrub is especially handsome, the sweet dark “Herbert” and to wind up the season, “Coville”, good varieties for the north are Northland, “Earliblue”, “Blueray”, the early Patriot, the late bearing Elliott and “Northblue”,  which is a self-fertile dwarf variety “Tophat” is a hardy dwarf that can be grown in tubs. For rabbit eye varieties the standard favorite is “Tifblue”, a vigorous, upright bush that bears fairly late. For an early one try Climax or the lower growing Wood ward. For midseason try out compact “Southland” and for late season the sweet tasting “Delite”.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

The Beauty of Fallen Cherry Blossoms Petals

Every spring, photographer Danilo Dungo spends time at Inokashira Park to captures the dazzling bursts of Tokyo's cherry blossoms from a bird's-eye view. He directs his DJI Phantom drone over Inokashira Koen, a famous public park, to capture his shots during the short season of March till April, when the trees bloom in bright pink flowers. He rendered small and distant, the cherry blossoms seem to erupt from the earth like fluorescent fireworks, nestled in clusters of normal greenery and lined up against the edges of the park's central pond. Dungo has decided to shot the event mostly early in the morning, seems to have avoided extra attention which adds an extra layer of misty beauty and also, no crowds of people! Therefore, in several of the series' most stunning photographs, the fallen petals form patterns on the surface of the water, carpeting the rippled flows in their rosy hue.

He has become a master at capturing the natural event from all viewpoints, particularly with aerial shots that show the pink flowers covering the nearby lake. In others, a sight of the golden sky at sunrise explicates the quiet cast of mild mist across the scenery. Japan’s cherry blossoms typically do get all the visitors attention for their short-lived natural beauty. But equally ephemeral are Japan’s Nemophila, or Baby Blue Eyes. However, what makes the vistas mainly astonishing is the way that they capture such a brief spectacle and the cherry blossoms only last for about a week. Luckily, Dungo's photographs are durable, and you can check them out on his National Geographic Your Shot page.

Tuesday 26 April 2016

King Clone, The Oldest Living Thing on Earth

It is believed, that King Clone is the oldest creosote bush ring the Mojave Desert, as far as 11,700 years old. Frank Vasek, The professor of University of California has discovered the King Clone and their age are projected by him. The King Clone ring is one of the oldest living organisms on Earth. The single clonal colony plant of Larrea tridentates reaches up to 67 feet in diameter although average diameter is 45 feet. After Vasek hypothesized that the creosote ring was, in fact, one organism, a graduate student working in Vasek's lab, documented that plants within a ring had more alike characteristics, than those from other plant clusters. The King Clone resides on mostly unprotected lands, because most of people do not care and drive over it with all-terrain vehicles. Due to its natural habitats, the creosote bush may lose some of these waxy, resinous leaves during extreme drought, but never loses them all. Therfore, these leaves are pungent after a rain, and have been used as antiseptics and emetics by native peoples. Its foliage provides refuge for crickets, grasshoppers and praying mantids.

The brainy Vasek has used two methods to estimate the age of ring. The first method is counted rings and measured the distance of annual growth, while the second method to use radiocarbon dating on pieces of wood found in the center of the ring and measuring their distance from each other and living bushes. Therefore, the dating methods come up with similar results. The Creosote Bush is the most characteristic feature of North America's hot deserts that tolerates arid conditions simply by its toughness. It competes belligerently with other plants for water, and frequently wins, for its prevalence in many arid locations.

Furthermore, The King Clone ring is on restricted-access public land in the central Mojave Desert, about 0.6 miles north of California Route 247 on Bessemer Mine Road near the towns of Lucerne Valley and Landers. It is situated within the Creosote Rings Preserve of the Lucerne Valley and Johnson Valley. Well, if you want to grow this bush with seeds, then place a number of seed capsules in a shallow pan cover with boiling water. So let them soak overnight. After that place a few seed capsules in a pot with soil and start to water, so thin out the superfluous seedlings and plant. Source: Charismatic Planet

Thursday 14 April 2016

Marine Iguanas; The Most Disgusting Clumsy Lizards

The much-maligned marine iguanas of the Galápagos Islands are so famously homely, can be describing as "hideous-looking" and "most disgusting, clumsy lizards." In fact the iguanas are not pretty with their wide set eyes, ugly in faces, spiky dorsal scales, and knotty, salt-encrusted heads.  The marine iguana has the ability, unique among modern lizards, to forage in the sea, can dive, more than 30 feet into the water. It is sometimes called Galápagos marine iguana lives on the rocky Galápagos shore but also be spotted in marshes and mangrove beaches. Marine iguanas are medium-sized lizards almost 200 to 340 mm, however vary in body size, which is different depending on the island the individual iguana inhabits. The adult males weigh is falling between 12 to 13 kg vary due to algal productivity and sea surface temperature

Though, these strange creatures lack in looks they make up for with their astonishing and exclusive ecological adaptations. Scientists have different thoughts that land-dwelling iguanas from South America have drifted out to sea millions of years ago on logs or other debris ultimately landing on the Galapagos.  Indeed their appearance is fierce, in contrast of actually having gentle herbivores, surviving exclusively on underwater algae and seaweed. Marine iguanas are sexually dimorphic with adult males weighing around 70% more than adult females and have correlation between longevity and body size. The large adult males’ body size is selected sexually, suffering higher mortality than females and smaller adult males. The Amblyrhynchus cristatus lacks agility on land but is a graceful swimmer, and mortality rates are, in fact, explained through the size difference between the sexes.

The species emerged marine iguanas spread to nearly all of islands of archipelago, hosts marine iguanas of exclusive size and shape and color.  Moreover, the strange creature’s short, blunt snouts and small, razor-sharp teeth help them scrape the algae off rocks and flattened tails let them move crocodile like through the water. Even though, their claws are long enough and sharp for clinging to rocks on shore or underwater in heavy currents.  The population of ugly lizard is not confirmed yet but can be judge in hundreds of thousands. The marine iguana starts reproduction in cold and dry season; female marine iguanas sexual maturity starts 3 to 5 years, however male reach sexual maturity at the age of 6 to 8 years. Female laid eggs 1 to 6 and which takes 3 months to incubate. The eggs lays in nests dug 30 to 80 cm deep in in sand or volcanic ash.

The iguanas has dark gray coloring to better absorb sunlight after their forays into the frigid Galapagos waters. Therefore, they even have distinct glands that clean their blood of extra salt, which they ingest while feeding.  The specie is under continuous pressure from non-native predators like rats, feral cats, and dogs, who feed on their eggs and young. They are endangered throughout the archipelago and are considered vulnerable to extinction. Marine iguanas sneeze habitually to expel salt from glands close their noses. The salt often lands on their heads, giving them a unique white wig. The marine iguana forages exclusively on inter- and subtidal algae, and 4-5 red algal species are their food of choice, however varies in accordance to the algal abundance, preferences and foraging behavior.
The marine iguana is an ectothermic animal, spends limited time in cold water, and afterwards basks in the sun to warm up. Their dark color shades also support them in heat reabsorption. Moreover, the specie fights sometime during the breeding season but are usually harmless; and they’ll bob their heads as a threat and if the other suitor responds, both will thrust their heads together until one backs away. The Marine Iguana is presently labeled as vulnerable in its conservation status and its population has been gradually decreasing throughout the years due to natural predators defenses needed to help protect them against new enemies. The marine iguana has developed over time in a fairly safe environment and thus does not have a very strong immune system. Source: Charismatic Planet


World’s largest cherry garden? 10,000 cherries in bloom in Wuhan, China

Located near East Lake in central Chinese city of Wuhan, the Moshan Cherry Blossom Garden has attracted thousands of tourists since mid-March. This garden covers an area of 260 acres. There are more than 10,000 cherry blossom plants in it. The first batch of cherry blossoms are presented by Deng Yingchao, wife of China’s former premier Zhou Enlai. They were a gift from former Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka.

Most cherry blossom plants are cultivated by joint investment of China and Japan in the year of 1998.
Now Moshan at East Lake of Wuhan is billed as one of the world’s three largest cherry gardens. The other two are at Washington State of America and Aomori Prefecture in Japan.

Chinese farmer loses 25 tons of fish after sinkhole appears in his pond

A farmer in south China' s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region suffered heavy losses after a sinkhole appeared in his fish pond. The incident occurred in Guiping City at about 4 am on March 24, when water levels at the pond were seen falling at a dramatic rate. At around 9am, the pond almost completely drained, and what' s left of the water in the pond was flowing down a gaping hole. The owner of the farm says he lost about 25 tonnes of fish.

SOUNDBITE: YANG SHUANGXIAN, Owner of fish pond  "The water used to be 1.2 meters deep. I' ve been running the fish farm for five years and each year we would produce 30 tons of fish. This time, our direct loss is estimated to be 450,000 Yuan to 500,000 Yuan. So, local villagers say, this is not the first time for such sinkholes to appear in the area. They suspect that a nearby quarry is likely to blame for causing the incident.

Wednesday 13 April 2016

The Blood Lake of Iraq

The bloody lake is situated just outside Iraq’s Sadr City. This amazing red lake has led to a numerous speculation looks like blood. The researchers has though pointed out that the reservoir is pretty big and putting huge amount of blood into reservoir to get it tainted red.  However, various stories have been speculated that local peoples butchers their animals and dumped their blood and offcut into the reservoir, but that would have been required more distinctive brown tinge. Moreover, several believe the red lake is result of chemical pollution. Moreover there is possibility that severe increases in salt levels are known to cause water to turn blood red. Could also potentially be some sort of algal bloom. So far, only one image is available on Google earth.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

The Stunning Images of Alaskan Volcano

An airline passenger captured the moment of his life, by taking the photograph of an Alaskan volcano erupting disseminating ash 20,000 feet into the air. The passenger was travelling on a Penair flight from Dutch Harbor to Anchorage in Alaska yesterday evening. So, he said that he had heard that the Pavlof Volcano on the Aluetian Islands had started to eruption ash so the pilot flew his plane closer in order for passengers to get a better look. Pavlof is in a volcano-rich, sparsely populated region about 625 miles southwest of Anchorage on the Alaska Peninsula. Pavlof Volcano has been one of the most active in the United States since 1980, with eruptions recorded in 1980, 1981, 1983, 1986–1988, 1996–1997, 2007, 2013, twice in 2014 and most recently in March 2016.

Therefore, U.S. Geological Survey confirmed the eruption of Pavlof Volcano, 600 miles southwest of Anchorage led to tremors on the ground.  Thus, they’ve also raised the volcano alert level to “warning” and the aviation warning to “red”. Although, regardless of the eruption there are no evacuations taking place or the ash affecting flights in the region.  The volcano is around 4.4 miles in diameter, has had 40 well-known eruptions and is 'one of the most regularly active volcanoes in the Aleutian arc.  However, the previous eruption was taken place in 2013; ash plumes raised 27,000 feet, whereas other eruptions have formed clouds as high as 49.000 feet.

Moreover the community closest to the volcano is Cold Bay, which is approximately 37 miles south west of it. It is Alaska’s second most active volcano has erupted over 40 times in recorded history. Although the first one is Shishaldin has had around 55 eruptions. Furthermore, Pavlof is amongst 52 historically active volcanoes in the Aleutian arc of the “Ring of Fire” string of volcanoes encircling the Pacific Ocean. Thus, the future threat of eruptions is considered on the high sides, as much of this threat comes from the possibility of disruption of nearby air routes by large releases of ash. The first recorded ascent of Pavlof Volcano was on June 27, 1928, but straightforward nature of the climb suggests that an earlier unrecorded ascent may have occurred. The second ascent was in June 1950.  However, the main challenge of climbing this peak is its remoteness and the consequent difficulty of access.