Wednesday 10 August 2016

Photographer Captures Wild Remote Beauty of Norway, Iceland and Scotland’s Landscapes

Well, Iceland, Scandinavia, and Scotland are generally famous for their icy exteriors; however, in a fresh series of pictures the countries have been lit by rosier hues. The jaw-dropping photographs have been taken by the 26 years old photographer George the Explorer, also known as George Turner. He describes '20-something British landscape and wildlife photographer exploring the world. The photographer from Dorset has spent the last two years documenting scenery from some of the wildest places on earth by visiting remote areas of countries in the Northern hemisphere. Therefore, in these pictures the giant-sized beauty of the countryside in these cold climates is shown in a dissimilar light as they are frequently captured in the height of summer. Hence, beautiful deserted lakes, rural villages and craggy mountain tops all features in the striking photographs, taken on Turner's trusty Nikon 17-35mm f2.8 lens. 

Tuesday 26 July 2016

The Flying Gurnard

The flying gurnard (Dactylopterus volitans), is a bottom-dwelling fish of tropical to warm temperate waters on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.  Although, on the American side, it is found as far north as Massachusetts specially as far as Canada and south as Argentina, including the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. On the European and African side, it ranges from the English Channel to Angola, including the Mediterranean. The flying gurnard built in general on the sea robin plan, is remarkable for its enormous pectorals. The flying gurnard also known as the helmet gurnard, similar species from the genus Dactyloptena are found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The flying gurnard is a very dazzling fish, erratic widely in color; so most of them are of in the shade of brownish to greenish olive above, with the lower side paler, nonetheless marked erratically with reddish salmon or salmon yellow. Thus, the pectorals are numerously marked with bright blue streaks near their bases, with blue spots and bars toward their tips. However the caudal fin typically has about three brownish-red cross bars.

Moreover, when the fish excited, he spreads its fanlike wings which are beautiful semi-transparent, with a phosphorescent bright blue coloration at their tips. These are naturally designed to scare away predators, but they don't help the fish to glide in the air as do the fins of flying fish. The flying gurnard has large eyes and fish reaches up to 50 cm in length and 1.8 kg in weight. The fish's main diet consists of small fish, inverts, bivalves, crustaceans, crab, shrimp, and shells. In tank, this fish is a good scavenger and can help keep the tank bottom cleaned. Therefore, this is a fascinating fish to keep, beautiful, entertaining and easy to care for. Though, this fish can grow to a large size, it should only be kept if you have a big aquarium to give it the room it needs.

Friday 22 July 2016

Karakoram Highway: The 8th Wonder of The World

The KKH (Karakoram Highway is one of the highest paved international road in the world. The road is popular tourist attraction across Pakistan and China. The KKH connects the Xinjiang Uyghur, China and Gilgit–Baltistan of Pakistan across the Karakoram mountain range, located at an elevation of 15,397 feet (4,693 metres). Due to its extreme elevation and the difficult conditions in which it was constructed, it is referred to as the Eighth Wonder of the World.

Wednesday 29 June 2016

The Migration of Monarch Butterflies

The Mexican mountain where orange, black Monarch butterflies gather in countless numbers covers 10 ACRES after a 3,400 mile journey from the US, they've earned a rest. The butterflies travel down from the United States and Canada to spend their winters in the mountains west of Mexico City where they are counted by biologists. Unfortunately population of Monarch butterflies have been in serious decline in the recent years, but thanks to conservation efforts by the Canadian, Mexican and American governments, putting great efforts to increase the insects have been making a big comeback. The Monarch butterflies habit of congregating in thick clumps, are counted by the surface area they cover instead of individually.

The population has grown up since 2014 after a threatening drop as compare to previous decade. In the last winter the population had increased in significant number covered 10 acres, as compared to 2.8 acres of 2014. The lowest population was recorded in 2013, when only 1.66 acres covered. Millions of butterflies congregate, clustering onto pine and oyamel trees, appear orange and branches sag from the weight. These butterflies over the time to make this journey, four generations of monarch butterflies are born and die migration patterns are altered by climate change.
The nature lovers believed Mexico, United States, and Canada should enhance their conservation efforts to protect and restore the habitat of this butterfly along its migratory route. Moreover, in the recent times, United States is working to reinstate milkweed, a plant important to the butterflies' migration, on about 1,160 square miles within 5 years, both by planting and by designating pesticide-free areas. In addition it is also cracking down on illegal logging in the area the butterflies call home, as the trees are critical protection for the flimsy animals against the weather.

During migration, monarchs fly north once they are exposed to cooler temperatures. Therefore, dense congregations are supposed to conserve heat, however if warmed by the sun, the butterflies take flight. Moreover, the beating of their wings has been compared to the sound of a light rain and the reserve is susceptible to lethal, freezing temperatures.

Friday 24 June 2016

Italian Photographer Captures Stunning Rugged Landscape by Using Fisheye Lens

An Italian photographer Riccardo Maria Mantero has used a fisheye lens to capture a series of remarkable scenes while travelling through Utah, Nevada and Arizona, adding a distinctive touch to these well-photographed panoramas. The twinkling stars in a purple sky, erratic rock formations and iconic landscapes and the spectacular southwest American countryside, but not quite as you've seen it before.
The Milan based photographer captures the Grand Canyon and The Arches National Park are just two of the spectacular vistas he snapped. The 45 years old photographer aid:  in fact I’ve never get tired of the landscape, because I love them so much due to their colors, their skies and their iconic history. These fantastic places are so popular and have been captured by well-established photographers but I haven't seen too many done with a fisheye, so I tried to something different and wanted to change the point of view with extreme distortion to achieve something exceptional. The talented artist boasts a degree in computer science and has worked for the biggest technology companies in the world. He professes to be an inquisitive person and loves discovering new places.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Life Cycle of Butterfly

Well, all butterflies and moths go through the same basic life cycle. They start out as eggs also known as “ova” and when these hatch, they do so as very small caterpillars, properly known as “Larvae”. These then go through several stages or instars each of which is separated by a skin change, known as “molt” or “ecdysis”. When the larva has reached a certain size, it changes into a chrysalis or “pupa”. It stays like this for some time and then emerges as the adult, or “imago”.
Moreover, the various butterfly families use several different methods of egg laying. Sometimes they lay them singly, sometimes in batches, on the underside of a leaf. Others choose to lay their eggs on dead leaves or twigs, or on rocks near their food plant this is usually to avoid the eggs being eaten by other caterpillars or herbivorous animals. Another way to reduce the risk that the eggs will be eaten is to lay them on a part of the plant that is rarely consumed, such as a tendril.
Some plants have evolved a chemical defense system that will kill any eggs laid on its leaves, before they get a chance to hatch. When this is the case, the butterfly has to lay its eggs nearby, rather than directly onto the food plant. Probably the most unusual place used by a butterfly for egg laying is in a cobweb this is done by the Australian Rustic (Cupha prosope), from New Guinea and eastern Australia. This might sound a strange place for egg laying but what safer location could there be for them than within the striking range of a spider? This species of butterfly continues with the safety theme while it’s small larva, as it dangles on the end of a silken thread when it’s not actively feeding. Most larvae get their first meal after hatching by eating the eggshell and this is often a vital source of protein, which is needed for their arduous struggle through the various instars (an ‘instar” is the name given to each stage of the larval development between skin changes).
The reason for the larval skin changes is much the same as when a child outgrows its shoes, and needs to change them for a larger size the caterpillar’s skin won’t stretch anymore, so it’s time for a new one! The larva’s major preoccupation is with feeding; indeed they have been described as “eating machine” which sums up their role very well. They usually increase their weight many thousands of times in a matter of weeks.
The cuticle, from which the skin is mostly constructed, cannot stretch enough for the expansion in body volume due to the massive food intake, so when it’s ready to do so, a hormone is released which triggers the skin to split behind the head; it is then cast off, along with the spiracles, revealing a soft, fresh new one underneath. After a while this hardens up, and the caterpillar wanders off and starts feeding again in some species though, the caterpillar eats the molted skin first.
Furthermore, when the larva changes into a pupa, it does so in order to reaarange its internal structures, so that it can change into a butterfly. This process sometimes known as “metamorphosis”, is one of the great marvels of the natural world, and has been used as a metaphor throughout history. The Greeks thought that a butterfly’s emergence from the pupa was “a personification of the human soul”. A thousand years later, in early Christian teaching, metamorphosis was used as s symbol of resurrection. When the caterpillar is ready to turn into a pupa, it will first find a suitable place for the transformation to take place. With some species this means a short walk to the nearest twig, but with others it may mean a long crawl to a distant location. This is perhaps to minimize the risk of them being found by parasitic wasps, although clearly the farther apart the members of a brood are, the less is the risk of them falling victim to the same predator.
Once the caterpillar has found a site that meets its criteria, it will anchor itself to the plant, tree, or rock. There are several different anchoring methods, but eh most common is the construction of a silken pad, which is glued in some way to the chosen surface. The caterpillar then attaches itself to the pad with a special device called a cremaster, and sometimes also with a “silken girdle”, which is just a thin cord running around its middle, to help to support the weight. The final skin change then takes place, in much the same way as a larval molt, although instead of a fresh skin being underneath, the cuticle hardens into a pupal case. The pupa will then wriggle incessantly to make the shed skin break free and drop to the ground. The reason for this is not proven, although it is highly likely that is to ensure any parasite eggs laid on the skin will be discarded along with it. Also Read Butterfly As Pets
In the days leading up to the butterfly’s emergence, the pupa will often change color as the wings become visible through the pupal case. This is often accompanied by a lot “wriggling” around as it undergoes the final changes. There is no one set time when emergence occurs in butterflies, but very often they do so in the morning, so that by the time they start to emerge the sun has warmed the air, and the new butterfly can bask in its warming rays. During the time from emergence to first flight it is extremely vulnerable as it cannot escape should a predator find it. Until its wings have unfurled, it cannot benefit from any chemical defenses it has either as its warming colors are not visible, or so it may be killed before its unpalatability is discovered.
There is still a great deal of mystery about how butterfly wings go through the transition from being soggy wet “buds” to fully expanded dry wings. The mechanical mechanisms of their unfolding are worthy of research, as there are many places where we could benefit from such perfection of design. For instance, if we could copy this process, it would mean bigger solar panels could be constructed for satellites, as they could be made to fold away more efficiently. This would lower costs, and raise efficiency in the future, the signal for your mobile phone, or television may depend on the engineering of a butterfly wing. The marvels of nature’s engineering will still be providing inspiration to mankind for a long time to come!
When the butterfly has dried its wings fully, it will take its first flight. If it’s a male it will spend the first few days of its life as an adult seeking nutrition, looking for flowers rich in nectar from which to extract the all-important sugars that it will use as fuel on its hunt for a mate. This issue is fraught with problems if the male is too young he will not be fully sexually mature and if the female is too old, she will be infertile or will already have mated. This is why males typically emerge about a week before the females. It also means that predation will occur mostly among the more common males in some species the ratio of males to females can be extremely high with in excess of 50 males for every female. It’s therefore important if a butterfly is going to be eaten, that it’s a common male and not a rare female.
Not all butterfly species have male to female ratios this high but, even so it is not surprising that there is a great deal of competition for fertile females. In some butterfly species, the male will find what he considers to be a good patch of territory, and will patrol it, chasing off any other males that try to encroach. This way, he is proving himself fit to the job of defending his territory he would lose out to a stronger male. There are many other ways that females select their mates; for instance, the catch me if you can routine, where she will fly at speed through bushes and trees, and only males that can keep up are considered worthy.
The selection mechanisms and general behavior involved in butterfly reproduction has been the subject of many studies over the years. Some of these have found some very interesting things for instance during the 1960’s. It was discovered by Stewart Swihart when he was working in Trinidad that early in the day individuals of the small postman (Heliconius erato) have their vision enhanced in the yellow part of the spectrum. It’s believed this is because they feed mostly from yellow flowers. Somewhere around mid-morning however, something in the brain switches their sight to being predominantly in the red part of the spectrum. This is because the females have distinctive red marking son their wings, which the males use as signals for courtship begin. They will then inspect anything that is red, and of roughly right size. When a female makes an appearance, she will be pursued by any males within range. Some things don’t change throughout the animal kingdom! Butterfly Classification